Training Outlines:

  1. Introduction to Joint Business Planning
    • Definition and purpose of JBP
    • Benefits of collaborative planning
    • Key principles and values of JBP
  1. Understanding Your Partners
    • Identifying key partners and stakeholders
    • Analyzing partner strengths and weaknesses
    • Assessing mutual goals and objectives
  1. Building a Strong Foundation
    • Establishing trust and open communication
    • Defining roles and responsibilities
    • Setting realistic expectations
  • Identifying suitable partners
  • Establishing trust and rapport
  • Negotiating win-win agreements
  1. Data Sharing and Analysis
    • Sharing relevant data and insights
    • Conducting a joint business analysis
    • Identifying growth opportunities and market trends
  1. Creating the Joint Business Plan
    • Setting SMART objectives and KPIs
    • Developing action plans and timelines
    • Allocating resources and investments
  1. Market Analysis and Opportunity Assessment
    • Gathering market data and insights
    • Identifying growth opportunities and challenges
    • SWOT analysis for JBP
  1. Setting Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
    • Understanding OKRs in JBP context
    • Defining specific, measurable, and achievable objectives
    • Aligning objectives with partner organizations
  1. Creating Actionable Joint Business Plans
    • Structuring the JBP document
    • Allocating resources and responsibilities
    • Establishing timelines and milestones
  1. Success Factors and Challenges in JBP Implementation
    • Key elements of successful JBP execution
    • Identifying potential obstacles and how to overcome them
    • Monitoring progress and adjusting
  1. Engaging in JBP Discussions
    • Effective communication and collaboration techniques
    • Conflict resolution strategies
    • Building long-lasting partnerships
  1. Collaborative Execution
    • Monitoring progress and performance
    • Addressing challenges and roadblocks
    • Celebrating successes and learning from failures
  1. Review and Continuous Improvement
    • Conducting periodic business reviews
    • Collecting feedback and insights
    • Adjusting and optimizing the JBP strategy